Taking the Duck outta Turducken!

Hey Cool Cats and Cute Kittens,

So I actually "finished" this coat about a week ago but I've just been too busy to upload the pics. (And by finished, I mean, the coat is sewn together but the linings haven't been sewn down and the closures aren't done). One thing nice about working in a costume shop is that I can hand stuff off to other people to finish.

Which is great because I don't like to handsew. SEW, I can let someone else handsew all those linings. Mwhahahaha! Maniacal Laughter!

But I really REALLY like this coat. I want one just like it, in my size -- For steampunking purposes, of course.... or maybe just to wear out on a cool evening. You know, those 3 evenings a year in Texas that are cool enough to comfortably wear a coat.

But a little more about the coat.

It started off as Burda 2627. I changed the front from a two button center close to a deep tuxedo bib front thing with a shawl collar. I also had to resize this as the pattern set I had was the smaller set and the actor was not any of those sizes.

The fabrics were pulled from fabric storage but I'm almost 100% positive they're both from Jo-Ann.

I can't wait until the show gets into dress rehearsals. Then I'll have full costume pics of all of the characters I work on.

Next up are Chicken dresses (5 of them) and a Vict-urk-ian Gown. Maybe I'll start to work on that on Thursday.

Is anyone else suddenly hungry?



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