Random thoughts...

So, here's all the stuff about to go down...

I'm trying to finish Crona for All-Con... and I REALLY want to make a Ragnarok backpack puppet to go with it... otherwise the costume is pretty plain.

I will be making more costumes for McLennan Community College this semester.  I'm not sure what I'll be making yet.  I meet with the designer on Monday.  

AND, I'll be speaking at my old high school to the theater kids and possibly doing some costume work for them. 

OH!!! And before I forget!  I got my panel schedule for All-Con... I'll be presenting at Noon on Friday and at 10 am on Sunday... Come by and say 'hi' and talk costumes with me!!!!  

Other than that... I've been thinking about possibly doing a blog schedule kind of thing... like each day of the week would be a different kind of post... for example, every Friday I'll post a picture of another cosplayer/costume that I like and talk about why...  

What do you think?  Would you guys be into that? What other things would you like to see?  

It's just that so far, all I really blog about is projects I'm working on... and some weeks... okay... months... I don't have any projects... so there really isn't much to post about...

Let me know if you have any ideas or things you'd want me to discuss.

Crazy busy and doesn't understand why...



  1. I think that would be a great idea! You could post more often and we would get your perspective on different cosplays. There is a websites I go on to pass the time and get inspired by the awesomeness of cosplay,


    I also would love to see some information on makeup. I have seen your video on creating a cosplay makeup kit and found it really informative, but I am seriously lacking in technique and product know-how. Thought I would throw this idea out there.


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