The Beaux Stratagem: Sir Charles Freeman

The Beaux Stratagem
Sir Charles Freeman
Completed November 2013

Items Made: Coat, Petticoat Breeches

The Beaux Stratagem is a restoration comedy written in 1707. The character, Sir Charles, is supposed to be a little older, therefore in a style of dress a little before the rest of the cast. 

But this was super fun to make.  The designer wanted him to look like a peppermint stick.  There were lots of one word descriptions for the costume themes in this show.  And since it's comedy, you can get away with it. 

The Jacket is made from black cotton with silver embroidery and lined with red silk-satin.  The sleeves are slashed and the jacket is trimmed with green ribbon and buttons.  

The petticoat breeches are absolutely ridiculous which in a costume shop equates to "Holy wow! So much fun!"  In the actual restoration period, when it came to bagginess of breeches, baggier was better.  So I made them as baggy as I could with the amount of fabric I had.  They're made from seasonal fabric... this one a red cotton with gold and green metallic stripe.  There was also no such thing as too much ribbon during the Restoration.  Sadly, I only had so much of the green/white embroidered ribbon to trim the waist with.  


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