Costuming for Conventions

The following are my slides that I use when presenting my panel about costuming at various conventions.  Since many people ask for this information, I'm posting it all right here for everyone to see.  Most of it is self explanatory but I'll annotate it where necessary.

The previous two slides are something I feel extremely passionate about.  In all of the subcultures that are nerdom, there's a lot of animosity between the fandoms and within fandoms.  But, honestly, this is SO DUMB.  We should be sharing our love for these thing not hating on each other for sharing common interests.  

More importantly, we shouldn't be judging other cosplayers based on stupid things like age, race, or size.  We should support and encourage each other because we should understand each other and this passion we share.  

Think about it, what happens when you tell a "normie" that you like to go to conventions on the weekends and run around in costumes based on cartoon characters.  The world looks at you like you're a weirdo.  Cons are the one place where we can revel in our nerdom.  We shouldn't have to worry about what other nerds think about us.

This changes often, but typically includes things like...
  • paperclay for props and jewelry
  • fabric medium for changing ordinary acrylic paint into fabric paint
  • dance tights for shaping and tanning legs (and also covering tattoos and leg hair)
  • E6000 glue... because it works on just about everything but styrofoam
  • Recommended readings (I'll put these in a separate post)
  • Dollar stores
  • Harbor Freight


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